Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 1! Travelling to Wuhan!

Today is the first day of the Wuhan trip. We spent the whole day travelling from Singapore Changi Airport to Guangzhou International Airport. We took off at 125pm and reached Guangzhou at 505pm. Therefter, we would have to take a domestic flight to Hubei I was really tired and hoping that the transit would be fast. But I heard that the next flight is at 820pm. We have close to 3 hours interval. We decided to have our dinner at Macdonalds. The fries were really salty and all of us have difficulty eating them. Then, it was time to board the plane. However there was a 20 mintute delay so the PHARM1.1 students started playing monopoly deal. Time really flies when we are playing.

After the hour journey on the plane. We finally landed in Wuhan, our final destination!! It was already midnight but we would still have to take an hour’s journey to reach the university. To pass time, we chatted, sing songs, and wished Issac happy birthday. Hahah!!! We were counting down every minute =)

When we reached the hostel, it was close to 1am and we got a shock of our lives. The hostel was really unexpected. But at least, there is a heater to keep us warm. Now it is already 225am and we have to report at 9 in the morning. Before i end this post, i shall post some pictures before ending this post!!

Mum, Dad, 2 aunties and uncle came to send me off!!

My traveling buddies of PHARM 1.1 =)

Outside Macdonalds!! Our dinner

Outside Guangzhou International Airport waiting for our domestic flight!

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